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A Reminder to Moms

You’re not just a dishwasher. 

You’re not just the chef. 

You’re not just the person to wash, fold, and save the laundry. 

You’re not just the person to find and lay out their clothes the night before to make mornings easier for the family.

You’re not just the person to make sure they are well fed and worry about their health.

You’re not just the person who gives them baths, and force them to brush their teeth.

You’re not just the person to rock them to sleep.

You’re not just the person to wake up all hours of the night to feed the baby, comfort the child with nightmares, or worry about the teen who is out at a friends.

You’re not just the “bad guy” who has to discipline your children.

You’re not just a taxi.

You’re not just a person who takes care of them when they’re sick, make sure they have their medicine, and wear their snot and vomit.

You’re not just the prayer warrior of the family.

You’re not just the person who works tirelessly to make sure everyone has everything they need.

You’re not just the person staring back at the naked body in the mirror frowning on the saggy, thinned skin, that’s covered in stretch marks.

I know you don’t recognize yourself anymore...but hear me out:

You may be ALL of these things, but you are SO much more than that!

You’re a mom.

You’re a daughter. A daughter of God more importantly.

You’re possibly a sister.

You’re a friend.

You’re a wife.

You are a person!

We tend to get married, have children, and lose ourself in the process. Hold on to your identity! Hold on to your your opinions and beliefs. Hold on to your passion and desire. Hold on to your joy outside of motherhood and being a wife. Listen to the music you enjoy, schedule a date with the girls without the kids, go for a brief jog, call up your family just to chat, get dressed in something you feel special in. Don’t wake up years from now and stand in the mirror wondering where YOU are.

Ps. Those of you who aren’t moms, call up your mom friends and invite them out. They are still the same person you love and adore. They just have a more to love now!

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