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Newborn Necessities

If I have learned anything after having two children, it’s what I need to make my postpartum life easier for both myself and the baby. I also learned what was a total waste of money. Here is a list with links to my favorite newborn products! 



If you know the story of how the Lee Lee and Me Paci came about, you know that both of my children did not like any pacifiers on the market. I was desperate to find a pacifier that soothed them and tried every pacifier there was to offer. Since my son was born in 2017, I started researching and developing the perfect pacifier. The Lee Lee and Me Paci was designed for a better latch. Because of the lengthy time it took to make this perfect pacifier, my own kids did not get to benefit from them (although I really wish they had). I continued the journey knowing that other babies would benefit from them, and parents would appreciate the pacifier.

Pacifier Clip

Pacifier clips are a great for keeping track of baby's paci! They also come in handy for more items, such as teethers, snack cups, and sippy cups. I recommend using the Ryan and Rose Cutie Clips as I know the owner makes them as safe as possible and they are CPSC approved and safety certified. If you choose a different clip, make sure they are short enough, so they do not become a strangulation hazard. Also be certain that any beads cannot come off of the pacifier clip and pose as a choking hazard. Remember, babies should never be unattended when using a pacifier clip.

Baby Bottles (if pumping or using formula)

I have been asked more times than I can count to produce a baby bottle with a nipple the same as the Lee Lee and Me Paci. I will never say never, but as for now, I recommend using a bottle that has a gradual curve and a wide base of the nipple. I have linked the Evenflo bottles, but I also recommend using the Dr. Brown's bottles, they are just harder to clean. I love the idea of silicone bottles; I just have yet to find a silicone bottle with the proper nipple.

Breast Milk Storage Kits

If you are breast feeding, ask your insurance about providing you with a breast pump. I received a free pump and it worked well. I recommend purchasing the Medela Breastfeeding Storage System or a kit that is similar. Again, find kits that have bottle nipples with a gradual curve and a wide base. Doing so will decrease the chances of your baby having any nipple rejection.

Bibs and Burp Cloths 

Baby feedings can be wet and messy. It's important to keep your baby dry so that their skin does not get irritated. I love these bibs because they double as burp cloths. I prefer muslin fabric.

Bottle Drying Rack

After washing your baby bottles, you will need a drying rack to air dry the bottles so they don't sour. I like this slim design that will save space on your counter and it's not an eye sore. It's also priced well.

Snuggle Me Organic

Life saver! We did not have the Snuggle Me for my first born, and having it for my second was a huge game changing help. Remember, the Snuggle Me Lounger is to be used with adult supervision at all times and should not be used for crib sleeping.

Swaddle Sacks

It's no secret that babies love to be swaddled! However, time has proven to us over and over again that a baby is not safe sleeping in a loose swaddle blanket. I love the Embe swaddle sacks for many reasons, but safety is top priority. I know that these are safe for babies, and they can be used with legs out or swaddled in. When choosing a swaddle sack, be sure that baby can not wiggle their arms out and move the "wrap" of the swaddle over their face.


We prefer a mini crib with wheels so that baby can safely sleep in the room with us, but the crib is small enough and easy to move out of the way. Don't fret, it's spacious enough for baby. The crib linked is simple and cheap, but great quality.

Crib Sheets

My choice of crib sheet is definitely a muslin fabric, since its soft and breathable. Babies spend much of their time sleeping, so I think it's very important that their -bedding is safe and non-toxic.

Crib Mattress

Again, safety is top priority. I am so grateful for the Newton Baby mattress. It is 100% breathable and washable.

Baby Monitors

We have this baby monitor. It has two cameras. Having a monitor in baby's sleeping area and play area is a great idea, that way you don't have to unplug and move the camera every time baby moves. My children are pre-school age, and we still are using this set. I did not have an Owlet baby monitor, but my sister-in-law did for her baby. I think it is a great investment and likely would have helped us all sleep better. 

Diapers and Wipes

For diapers and wipes, we used Pampers Pure. These are nontoxic, fragrance free, and sensitive for baby's bottom. I found that we used the most of size One and size Two. Don't get too many newborn diapers. I think we only used one pack of newborn size, and whatever the hospital sent us home with.

Diaper Cream, Bath Wash, and Lotion

I love the Tubby Todd brand! Sensitive and nontoxic is a must for baby care. I recommend getting their "Regulars Bundle" which comes with the All Over Ointment, Hair and Body Wash, and Everyday Lotion. We use the All Over Ointment for rashes, like eczema or bum rashes.

Baby Towels

Specific baby towels are definitely not a must have, and if you want to stick to a certain aesthetic in your home, you don't need to buy "baby towels". Just be sure that the towels are soft, as babies have sensitive skin.

Bath Seat

Bath seats are 1000% necessary. I was actually gifted 3 of this exact tub for my baby shower, that's how you know other experienced moms agree!  

Gas Relief Drops

These Mylicon drops worked miracles for both of my children. I always tried to help my babies naturally by raising their legs with their knees pushed towards their stomach (gently) and moving their legs in a circular motion, along with up and down motions. These exercises usually did the trick. If the exercise only method failed, it was nice to have the gas drops on hand.

Infant Tylenol

I pray you never have to use it, but if your baby needs a little help from pain reliever, a dye free infant acetaminophen is good to always have in your medicine cabinet. As always, speak to your baby's doctor before giving.

Nasal Aspirator

Of course, babies cannot clear their nasal passage on their own, so they need intervention. The old bulb syringes that have been around forever are not sanitary to reuse. The nasal aspirator that I've linked is easy to clean and gets the job done. It may look gross, but don't let the concept turn you off. You won't get any mucus in your mouth. 

Car Seat Travel System

I have seen so many new car seats come out since having my first baby, but I loved this travel system for both of my kids and even passed it down to two other babies over the years. It has served us all well. The car seat is easy to install and simply clicks into the stroller. After baby is done using the infant carrier, the stroller converts to a toddler stroller.

Car Seat Mirror

After leaving the hospital with my first born, I quickly realized that I needed a mirror to keep an eye on him in the backseat while he is rear facing. I drove to Walmart and picked up a mirror ASAP.

Car Seat Bug Net

We live in south Louisiana and the mosquitos are swarming in the warmer months. You could not walk outside without, I KID YOU NOT, hundreds of mosquitos attacking you. As a matter of fact, the same time I purchased the above mirror, I also grabbed a mosquito net for my boy's car seat. So, if you have insect issues where you live, definitely get protection.

Diaper Bag

There are tons of diaper bags on the market to choose from, so just do a quick search and find one that matches your style. I recommend a backpack style diaper bag so you can wear your baby and have free arms. 

Laundry Wash

I know you want your baby to smell like that "baby" fragrance, but I promise you don't want those fragrance chemicals on your baby. I have been using these nontoxic Dropp Pods for years now and they clean very, very well. We do not add anything else, and it cleans our work clothes, gym clothes, and stained clothes excellently. I also use their dish pods.

Baby Carrier

Wearing my babies was one of my absolute favorite ways to move around with them. It may seem tricky at first, but just practice a few times and you'll soon be a pro and do it with ease.

 Onesie Zipper Outfits

There is an endless amount of cute baby clothes. I found that during the newborn stage, a zipper onesie was the best option. Buttons are a pain in the middle of the night. Magnets came undone easily. Gowns are not practical or safe for car seats. Buy mostly 0-3 and 3-6 month.


Itty baby feet get cold quickly because babies have trouble regulating their body temperature. I always had so many baby socks in reach.

Baby Bow Turban/ Beanies

I didn't link anything specific, because it's totally based on your opinion and your style. It's also not a total necessary item, but it does keep baby warm in cold months, and it also covers their deformed head from birth. Which, by the way, will fix itself shortly, so don't freak out like my husband.

Baby Health/ Grooming Kit

I was gifted this set for my baby shower, and five years later, we are still using many of the pieces frequently.

Postpartum Panties

I cannot rave about these more. You feel so much more "put together" postpartum with these panties. They look and feel like normal, comfortable underwear, but they are super absorbent. They are way better than the huge pads and mesh underwear you're given in the hospital. I even wear these for my period. SIZE UP.

Peri Bottle

The hospital will likely provide you with a peri bottle, but I would grab an extra. You will NEED this for your first few trips to the bathroom while you recover.

Postpartum Ice Packs

Ask your hospital for disposable ice packs during your stay. But, these are great for at home.

Postpartum Pain Relief

Again, your hospital is likely to provide you with this during your stay. You will probably need this during your recovery at home. 

Nipple Balm 

This balm is great to soothe sore nipples. Natural/organic Shea butter and cocoa butter also work well.

Ice Packs for Breast

Cool packs are help to relieve irritation and inflammation in your breasts. 

Nursing Pads

These are super soft and absorbent! They will save you from embarrassing leakage.

Nursing Bras

When I had my first child, I was totally unprepared as a new breastfeeding mother. Take it from me, you will need to plan your outfits accordingly. A comfortable nursing bra that is easily functional is a must. 

Breathable Swaddle Blanket 

A lightweight, breathable baby blanket is perfect for covering yourself for a modest approach (if you choose) to breastfeeding in public.



These items were things that I used daily, or that I wish I had to make our transition into our new life a little easier! I hope sharing them with you gives you a little less stress when you're adding to your baby registry or making your first purchases for your baby! 

I hope and pray that all mamas out there have a peaceful, healthy, and happy delivery.


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